Saturday, March 5, 2011


3 Things I Learned
-- I learned about the Suez Canal. I have never heard of this canal before and I find it amazing that the Egyptians thought to build it even before there was any knowledge about the other continents.
--I learned what paternalism and assimilation are. I do not like or agree with either of them.
--I also found out that Edison was not the first one to think about making the light bulb, he actually took the idea off of someone else.
2 Things I found Interesting
--The Egyptian Revolution
--The Revolution in Libya
1 Question I still Have
--I still do not know why the people of Egypt all of a sudden went up against their president after he served with them for 30 years.

Gandhi Quote

“The things that will destroy us are: politics without principle; pleasure without conscience; wealth without 
work; knowledge without character; business without morality; science without humanity; and worship 
without sacrifice.”
--Mahatma Gandhi
This means that when we start receiving things without having to work for them then we are doomed to fail.
I personally like this quote, because it is true. If we did not have these things we would not have a strong government. If people got money without having to work, there would be no work done. If we went out to seek pleasure without conscience, many people would be hurt.

Suez Canal

The Suez Canal is controlled by Egypt today. I am not sure how many ships use this canal now but i do know that it was reported in 2003 that 17,224 ships used the canal. the canal is very important to us today. Because we have this we save money, gas, time, and the wear and tear the ships would have to go through. It also helps to get what is being shipped to the destination more quickly.

Egyptian Revolution

Hosni Mubarak who was appointed President of Egypt on October 14, 1981, is the longest serving ruler of Egypt since Muhammad Ali Pasha.  He was forced to leave office though, after his people rose against him demanding for him to step down from his position. Mubarak ended up handing over all of his power to the military until Egypt is ready to perform an election, which should take place within six months. This is very interesting, because it is history happening right before our eyes, instead of reading about it in books we are living through it.


         Paternalism is when you are governed in a fatherly way, but you have no rights. Someone could rule the colony this way, but eventually the colony will want to fight for freedom, and they will uprise against the government.
          I see no way to use either Paternalism or Assimilation, because both of these are bad ways for a government to rule. I am personally glad that the US government does not treat us this way.

Pros and Cons of Imperialism

  • Education and scientific thinking was introduced and encouraged.
  • Better health care facilities were provided.
  • New transportation systems such as rail, road sea and air were introduced.
  • New languages, religions and a new way of life were introduced.
  • The imperialist’s countries gained cheap, efficient workforce.
  • Food production increased due to better farming methods.

  • Nations that resisted growth or expansions in their territory led to widespread genocide and ethnic cleansing.
  • Obtaining valuable natural resources became a bone of contention between the developed countries, resulting in political foul play.
  • New religions were forced upon and native belief was discredited.
  • Most traditional culture and languages were simply wiped away.
  • Natural resources were exploited, without giving actual due.
  • Labor was discriminated and forced into slavery, and had their basic rights taken away.
  • Many Asians and Africans were shipped to America and England, against their will as plantation slave labor.

The Germ Theory of Disease

The French Chemist Louis Pasteur found that bacteria was the cause of disease after experimenting with the fermentation process of alcohol. He learned that heat killed bacteria and he also came up with the process of pasteurization.
with Pasteur's discovery, doctors were able to make the connection that bacteria was the reason why many of their patients were during during or after surgery. This is why they began to use antibacterial cleanser to clean the surgical room.

The Light Bulb

          Thomas Edison's ultimate experiment was the development of a practical light bulb. Contrary to popular belief, he did not "invent" the light bulb; he improved upon a 50-year-old idea. In 1879, using lower current electricity, a small-carbonized filament, and an improved vacuum inside the globe, he was able to produce a reliable, long-lasting source of light.
           Without the light bulb invention, we might not be where we are today. I mean look around you, how many electronics do you see that does not have some type of light bulb in them. We use them in everyday life, and without them I don't know what we would do.


I am doing this blog for chapter 10-11 in the history book Modern World History Patterns of Interaction. in chapter 10 it reviews how Great Britain and France underwent democratic reforms. Chapter 11 reviews the colonial claims made by Europeans. My goal for this blog is too do it accurately enough that i will be able to learn from posting in it.